Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Montana Gun Law & State Sovereignty

Well, May is starting off to be a politically interesting month!

Montana passed a new gun law which protects the rights of its citizens to own and operate guns which are purchased in Montana - regardless of Federal law!! Go Montana!! They are prepared to consider secession if necessary.

Utah is seriously considering doing the same, according to an article on news. One of Utah's congressmen plans to submit a piece of legislation similar to Montana's early next year.

Tennessee's State Senate voted unanimously supporting a resolution which tells the federal government it has "overstepped its Constitutional bounds" and that the fed is violating the 10th Amendment. (

Oklahoma's House passed HCR-1028 for State Sovereignty 73-22. From "Introduced on April 29, 2009, HCR1028 is “A Concurrent Resolution claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over certain powers; serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates; providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed; and directing distribution.” (h/t AxXiom for Liberty)"

Other states in various stages of sovereignty resolutions include Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Indiana, Wyoming, Oregon, Minnesota, Arkansas, and Maine. It is estimated at least 25 states will have similar resolutions up for voting this year. Some states are focusing on specific issues, like abortion or gun rights, in a similar manner that Montana did with gun rights.

Governors Mark Sanford (SC) and Rick Perry (TX) have taken a lot of heat for turning down the stimulus money from the Federal government. I think both of them deserve a large round of applause for taking a stand like that - it obviously is a highly controversial issue. However, I think more governors need to have the courage to see beyond their own political picture and see the national picture. This incredible spending is bound to bankrupt the nation, yet so many leaders don't seem to care. I'm glad to see some leaders stepping out and trying to do something!

Well...I have to sign off - we have severe thunderstorms heading this way, so I'll have to unplug the computer....

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