Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ebook Review: EXCELLENT Resource for Audio Learning by Amy Blevins

Amy Blevins is the creative author of a fantastic ebook called Listening to Learn! Using Audio Files in Your Homeschool.

Due to a breathing disorder, this homeschooling mom was forced to find a way to teach her children in a wide variety of subjects without having to do a lot of reading out loud. She discovered the wonderful world of audio files!

Listening to Learn! is written in a simple, “coffee table” format which is easy to understand. The author begins with an introduction of what audio files are and how they can be used. She also provides detailed graphics and information for using a wide variety of electronic devices, such as mp3 players, speakers, car audio cassette adaptors, and FM transmitters. Amy provides charts and logs for keeping track of files which a family desires to listen to.

One of the things I liked best was that she includes actual graphics of computer screens when explaining how to download items. The colors are great and the clarity is quite good.

She explains how to use your local library’s audio files and lending procedures, including information on Overdrive – a great way to download files in your own home.

Probably the most outstanding feature of the book is the extensive list of resources which Amy provides. Each resource is listed with a brief description. She also describes the benefits of podcasts for homeschoolers, explains how to use them, and lists 16 of her recommendations.

Listening to Learn! covers free music files, poetry files, Scripture memory, math memory, several pages of history files, holiday files, speech and communication files, children’s books, and classical books. She also has a section devoted to encouraging homeschooling moms. This sections lists several on-line places moms can go for help and tips, listen to homeschool conferences, and more.

To summarize: If you have been wondering how to get more school time into your busy day, you should really consider audio learning. Amy brings out how to jam-pack your children’s lives with interesting stories, facts, history, music, great literature, and more – all while doing chores or driving to appointments. “Down” time can be learning time – and it’s fun! Children won’t even realize they’re learning, it’ll be so much fun!

To order a copy of her book, go to:

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mt. Sinai Revival (Pickens, SC) Going into 9th Week!

Hey everyone!

So many folks have been able to attend one or more of these wonderful meetings! I just wanted to let you all know that they are in their 9th week this week! I have received a few notes from some of the members (they've seen my blog). Each one is so excited to be a part of this moving of the Holy Spirit! Here's a portion of today's email, from a member who has been at Mt. Sinai for 20 years:

"This is the most amazing Revival I have ever been in.. we have had many, but we have never seen God settle in like this... We are more than Honored. For the first 4 weeks it was like we were all just in a daze. Now we are going into our 9th week and its like we just started. Everyone is just so excited to get to Church and after the service is over no one wants to go leave.. I have heard and read about those kind of Revivals but never thought I would be in the middle of one. This far 109 souls have been saved, 8 called to preach, 1 to the mission field. and countless folks have got help. I run into people everywhere who tell me how the Lord has just revived their soul. praise God. One of our young men was reading in pslams and God gave him this verse.

Psalms:118:23: This is the LORD's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes."

The theme song they've been using for their revival services is "God's Been Good" and these are the words, in case you've never heard it:

God's Been Good!

Verse 1
Lately I've been looking back, along this winding road
To the old familiar markers of the mercies I have known
I know it may sound simple but it's more than a cliche
There's no better way to tell you, than to say

God's been good in my life
I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams when I go to sleep each night
And though I've had my share of hard times, I wouldn't change them if I could
'Cause through it all, God's been good

Verse 2
Times replay and I can see that I've cried some bitter tears
But I felt His arms around me, as I faced my greatest fears
You see I've had more gains than losses and I've known more joy than hurt
As His grace rolled down upon me undeserved

For God has been my Father, my Savior and my Friend
His love was my beginning, and His love will be my end
I could spend forever trying to tell you everything He is
But the best that I can say it is this

God's been good in my life
I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams when I go to sleep each night
And though I've had my share of hard times, I wouldn't change them if I could
'Cause through it all, God's been good.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Rainy Days - Beautiful Days!

Yes, it is still raining here in SC. I love to say those words. I love to write those words. I love to read those words. It's raining in SC!!! To those of you suffering from the swollen rivers in the Northwest, I'm sure you cannot appreciate the thrill in my saying, "It's raining!" But to all of us living through this multi-year drought in the Southeast, this is an incredible blessing from Heaven.

For instance - there is actually water running more than an ankle deep in the local Reedy River. That's a miracle! A few years after moving here, my husband and I canoed down part of the Reedy, not too far from our home. We haven't been able to do that for years, the water has been so low. Maybe, just maybe, a canoe will be seen again soon...

Small creeks and springs have been drying up all over the South. There is a pond on our way to Simpsonville which used to be quite large and beautiful. For the past five years the water level has continued to drop. The farmer finally had to put a fence around the pond because the bacteria level was so high and the water level so low, he was losing cattle. Now, the water level is actually rising! What a blessing!

Many homeowners here in SC have had to drill new wells because the old ones dried up. Folks on city water may think, "Okay, what's the big deal about drilling a new well?" I know one family that paid over $6,000 to finally reach water; then discovered it was unsuitable for drinking because the parts per million of a certain metal were too high. Drilling a new well is an expensive gamble, but one many families have no choice but to do. Having it rain and rain and rain will slowly bring up the underground water levels and probably spare hundreds from having to re-drill this summer.

I am praising the Lord for the rain!!! May He let it continue to rain and bring up our lake levels. May He bless us with good crops this year. Praise the Lord and pass the rain barrels!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Family Photo

This is Curt and I with our children, son-in-law, and grandchildren.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Seventh Week of Revival at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Pickens, SC

This is the seventh straight week of services at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church and they've had 5 saved so far this week. Since the revival began: almost 90 salvations, 4 men called to preach, 1 person surrendered for the mission field.

For the 2nd time since their revival begain, our Pastor moved our Wednesday night service to Mt. Sinai. The first time, there were 7 other churches present that Wed. eve. Tonight, only 3 churches did, so there was more seating space. We got there 30 minutes early, giving me a little more time to count. There were at least 120 in the pews and about 50 in the choir. My guess is that on Mon, Tue, Thur, and Fri they are averaging 275-300 people in their sanctuary.

Tonight, the pastor mentioned a church called State Line that's been holding week long revival services since the beginning of the year! Last night they had standing room only! And the pastor there told the pastor at Mt. Sinai that their church had been praying for the revival going on at Mt. Sinai! Isn't that GOOD! That's the way sister churches are supposed to be - not worrying about sheep-stealing but playing on the same team!! Wahoo!

I love to watch the choir sing. First, though, you need an understanding of what's been going on there. Every week night for 7 weeks they've been at church. Saturday night the teens have a special time of prayer for revival. Sunday they have services and their own pastor preaches, while Mark Stroud preaches in his own church. (Yes, I finally learned his last name!) The choir sings anywhere from 2-4 songs when we've been there. I assume they are singing as usual on Sundays. That means the choir is singing 15-25 songs a WEEK. Then there are folks doing specials. Then part of the regular choir is also part of the teen choir, and they sing every night. The theme song is "God's Been Good" and He sure has! He's been sustaining the choir, the choir director, and all the folks from Mt. Sinai who have been present for some 33 revival services, plus regular services on Sundays, and he's sustaining the preacher. Folks, these people have got to be getting tired physically, but you can't tell it when you see them sing and testify!

And I have to point out here that these are not professional singers - this is not what they do for a living. This is just a regular church choir. They are also not enticing people to attend services because they have a "rocking praise and worship team" complete with blaring rock music. This is South Carolina, these are Southern people, and they sing Southern, Gospel, Christ-centered hymns. The kind of songs that reach down and touch your heart and leave your toes alone!

In the back row of the choir, there's an older gentleman near the end. That man smiles through most every song he sings. Tonight they are singing a song in which we are compelled to lean on Christ, and he periodically raises his hand for a couple seconds, signifying "AMEN" to a particular phrase he's singing. I'm guessing he's seen enough of life to know there's no Other One to lean on. There are a lot of choir members smiling tonight. Tired? They have to be. But they are electrified and upheld by the Spirit of God, rejoicing that the Lord has chosen this church in this sleepy hollow of SC to bless with a revival.

As they begin a second song, I notice hands around the sanctuary are briefly lifted from time to time in testimony of God's promises, which the choir sings about. One line says something like, "we've often failed the Lord but He's never failed us" and many raise their hand or say "Amen." But it's not loud and distracting or confusing. It's simply a testimony of truth and faithfulness.

Before the preacher comes, I'm struck with this thought: Revival has not come to this church because they have a multi-million dollar campus, although they do have a beautiful sanctuary. Revival has not come because they have hired in professional singers or a nationally known preacher, although the singing is whole and true and the preacher is without question being used by God. Revival didn't come to this church because the members are all rich; indeed, I do not feel out of place at all, and folks who know us know we are far from being considered "rich." It's "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." (Zec.4:6) This is not of man. This is not manufactured or faked or put on for television. This is God moving in the hearts of His people. And it all started because the teens started praying some 9 or 10 weeks ago.

The atmosphere is more quiet tonight than in some of the other services we've attended, some 4-5 by now. But God speaks in a still small voice when He speaks to your heart. The preacher chose as his text Isaiah 6:1-11. When King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw God high and lifted up and he saw himself as a man of unclean lips, unworthy. In spite of our current national needs, of which there are many, we can still see God high and lifted up.

He talked about the Glory of God and what it can do in our hearts and lives, and how it should be evident on our faces. He said we need glory and not T-shirts and bracelets! I loved that.

What will fix our country? 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

This is revival. I'm watching a true revival. Not something faked for attention. Oh I've been in enough services where the hootin' and hollerin' brought lots of attention on the hooter and hollerer, but not to God. This is not like that. Yes, some of the services have had some shouting, but it's never drowned out the preaching of the Word of God.

Here's something else: The preacher does not demand the babies be removed from the sanctuary. As a matter of fact, I didn't realize until a week or so ago they even had a nursery available because there are many children in the service. For the most part, they are quiet. If they become loud, the parent steps into the foyer with them, but they can still hear the message. These little ones are experiencing a great moving of God. Will they remember this? Maybe, maybe not. But I'm going to remind my 2-yr-old of the revival services he was in when he grows old enough to understand. He sits with us. Only once have I had to take him out.

Also, the preachers aren't following a formal "program." They follow the leading of the Lord. The pastor of the church opens the services, and the order from there has been different every time. Sometimes the youth choir sings, then there's handshaking, sometimes not, sometimes the youth choir sings last, sometimes the specials come before the offering sometimes not, sometimes Bro. Stroud preaches and sometimes he just talks... Can you picture too many churches today doing that? But every time, the Lord is using the service to reach hearts.

One couple was close to divorce. They came to a service and got saved and their marriage is restored. One girl was ready to give up on life, but decided to give God her final try. He saved her - He not only spared her physical life, but He's granted her eternal life. Teens who've grown up in church are getting saved. Couples are getting right - women are submitting to their husbands, husbands are loving their wives, children and parents are setting things right. Teens are being called to be faithful in prayer and witnessing and devotions. They are expressing genuine concern over the souls of their family members. Grown men are crying and giving public testimonies of what God has done in their lives. I guess that last one impresses me a lot. I often wonder "where are the men in America's churches?" So many of them stay home, watching football or whatever. Our nation is falling apart and they'd rather be cushy couch potatoes than get right before God and beg God to right our country and save their neighbors and family members. But in this revival I'm watching the Spirit of God move on men - MEN! - and draw them to Him. Boy is that exciting!!!

I guess the only thing that's more exciting than that is watching the number of teens that seem completely sold out for God in this revival. Folks, this is the next generation. If God doesn't draw them to Himself, we're going to lose an entire generation. That's the future of the church. I'm so excited to see these young people on fire, having the incredible privilege of watching a moving of God in their midst.

If they go for an eighth week I hope to be able to attend another service. I would love to live closer. I would love even more for this to spread throughout the upstate of South Carolina, across the southeast, and across the country.

God offers Himself to us freely. Why are we settling for the world's fake copies? Our churches are becoming impotent against the floods of sin and immorality. We need revival to sweep our country. We need to pray. To seek God. I mean really seek God. Not just say it. God's stirring up our country for a reason. We better get on board.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ammunition Costs Will Be Sky-high Soon

I realize not everyone reading this post is a gun-enthusiast. However, I think most of you will agree that the Constitution protects our rights to own weapons. Obama obviously disagrees with this opinion. Of course! Why would someone who wants socialism to be the "New Deal" be interested in arming his citizens?! This article came to me today via an email. I have to share it. If you think you might EVER need a gun and ammunition, you better run as fast as you can to buy all you will ever need...at least until we get some conservatives in office to right all these wrongs.

We went to a gun show earlier this year - prices for regular handguns and rifles had already doubled from the previous year. It's only going to get worse, folks.


Obama Administration policy to force ammo prices through the roof
Defense Dept. to stop sale of once-fired brass

March 17, 2009 - We have verified through multiple sources that the Department of Defense is suspending the sale of all once-fired brass cartridge cases.

This will drastically reduce the availability of inexpensive ammunition, and is bound to drive up the already rising cost of ammunition.

From Georgia Arms:

"Effective immediately DOD Surplus, LLC, will be implementing new requirements for mutilation of fired shell casings. The new DRMS requirement calls for DOD Surplus personnel to witness the mutilation of the property and sign the Certificate of Destruction. Mutilation of the property can be done at the DRMO, if permitted by the Government, or it may be mutilated at a site chosen by the buyer. Mutilation means that the property will be destroyed to the extent prevents its reuse or reconstruction. DOD Surplus personnel will determine when property has been sufficiently mutilated to meet the requirements of the Government. "

What's at stake?
The price of target ammunition is not the only issue at stake. By mutilating once-fired brass cartridge cases, the government will lose 80% of the value of the cartridge cases as a commodity.

According to Denver Bullet, a company that reloads once-fired military brass, a pound of once-fired government brass runs around $2.00, while that same pound of scrap brass sells for $0.35. With international commodity prices falling, the price of scrap brass could fall even lower. In addition to the loss of value of brass cartridge cases as a commodity, the government will pay to ship and melt the mutilated once-fired brass to smelting furnaces in places like Alabama.

This massive mismanagement of taxpayer funds is clearly a policy decision driven by the Obama Administration's war on gun owners, rather than sound fiscal policy.

What you can do?
Contact your member of congress and members of the Armed Services Committee.

Congressional Democrats are very conscious of their position with gun owners. This makes them even more conscious of the demands and desires of their constituents. Many attribute the 1994 Republican take over of Congress to gun owners outrage over the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

From the New York Times:

But there is one issue that retains the power to leave Democrats quivering: gun rights. Gun issues still persistently tie the party in knots and have been used by Republicans to stall two major bills this year, with more likely to come.

“It is a hot-button issue,” said Representative Allen Boyd, Democrat of Florida, a longtime hunter and one of the moderates who typically split from the more liberal wing of the party to support the rights of gun owners. “Some people around here know they can use it as a wedge issue, and they try to do that.”

It is a particularly hot-button topic with veteran Congressional Democrats who believe the party's strong support for a 1994 assault weapons ban was the real reason they lost control of the House that year — not the House bank scandal, the failed health care initiative, the Contract with America or Newt Gingrich.

When you contact your member of Congress, tell them that taxpayers and gun owners deserve more than platitudes and policy driven grudges from the Obama Administration.


Colorado's Congressional Delegation


Senator Mark Udall
Party: Democrat
Address: B40E Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5941
Fax: (202) 224-6471

Senator Mike Bennett
Party: Democrat
Address: 702 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5852
Fax: (202) 224-5036


U.S. House of Representatives:

Representative Diana DeGette
District: 1
Party: Democrat
Address: 2421 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4431
Fax: (202) 225-5657

Representative Jared Polis
District: 2
Party: Democrat
Address: 501 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2161
Fax: (202) 226-7840

Representative John Salazar
District: 3
Party: Democrat
Address: 326 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4761
Fax: (202) 226-9669

Representative Betsy Markey
District: 4
Party: Democrat
Address: 1229 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4676
Fax: (202) 225-5870

Representative Doug Lamborn (a member of Armed Services)
District: 5
Party: Republican
Address: 437 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4422
Fax: (202) 226-2638

Representative Mike Coffman
District: 6
Party: Republican
Address: 1508 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-7882
Fax: (202) 226-4623

Representative Ed Perlmutter
District: 7
Party: Democrat
Address: 415 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2645
Fax: (202) 225-5278

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cleaning Up

Cleaning Up My Pantry:
Everything is organized again! I can find the food again, and the containers, and the glass jars, and the coffee. My kitchen is happy, I'm happy, my family is happy. This will last less than one week.

Cleaning Up My Chickens:
Oh yes-all 18 of them. I have chicks in my bathtub. Well, they've outgrown the box...and it's too cold to put them outside yet-so where else can they go? The tub is kind of convenient anyway. I can take them out and rinse out the tub and put them back after it's dry.

Cleaning Up My Time:
Spring cleaning...ah, yes. There's nothing like the scent of fresh air, disinfectant, and warm computer cables. Wait - what was that? Warm computer cables? Well, yes. See, I've been wasting entirely too much time on facebook applications. I love facebook - I have nothing against it as a means of keeping in touch with folks. But all the applications...well...let's just say I spent more time on them than was necessary. So I deleted them today. It's actually quite a liberating feeling. Now I can just go check updates and photos and see what's new with family and friends-and be off!

Cleaning Up Facebook for Employment:
Speaking of facebook, I am continually amazed at what some people will post, either as a status, a comment, or in photo format. The photos really scare me. What goes on in the heads of folks that post embarassing or exceedingly immodest photos? (Fortunately, I don't have a lot of friends on facebook with that problem, but I know others who do.) Employers are starting to look at facebook to see what a potential employee is really like. Not fair? Well, perhaps. But look at it from the employer's point of view: Do I want to hire this well-dressed, professional lady or gentleman...who blatantly advertises her/his use of drugs, alcohol, or worse, on facebook? Probably not. If I'm an employer, I'm going to be looking for someone with character and at least some standards. If a potential employee is going to advertise publicly what he or she does in his or her private life, then I'm as entitled as anyone else to view what is posted and make my decision from there. Let the potential employees out there beware - if you make yourself look foolish or irresponsible on facebook, myspace, youtube, etc., don't be surprised when the best jobs pass you by.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

BOSTON TEA PARTY - Parties Across the USA

Okay - we had a "Boston" Tea Party in Greenville, SC, a few weeks ago. This is a great uprising of taxpayers who are demanding accountability from our federal government. Rallies were held in dozens of US cities. Now, here's something more - what a neat idea! I'm doing this! I received this email this week...

For more information on this topic, Google: The New American Tea Party.

On April 1, 2009, all Americans are asked to send ONE TEABAG to Washington, D.C. You do not have to enclose a note or any other information unless you so desire. Just a TEABAG. Your one voice will become a roar when joined with millions of others that feel the same way.

'New American Tea Pary' site survey showed over 90% of thousands said they would send the teabag on April 1. Why, April 1?? We want them to reach Washington by April 15. Will you do it? I will. Send it to: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500.

Ha ha ha - what a great idea. No, I did NOT check this on snopes to see if it was valid - I think it's a great idea, regardless!