Friday, March 27, 2009

Rainy Days - Beautiful Days!

Yes, it is still raining here in SC. I love to say those words. I love to write those words. I love to read those words. It's raining in SC!!! To those of you suffering from the swollen rivers in the Northwest, I'm sure you cannot appreciate the thrill in my saying, "It's raining!" But to all of us living through this multi-year drought in the Southeast, this is an incredible blessing from Heaven.

For instance - there is actually water running more than an ankle deep in the local Reedy River. That's a miracle! A few years after moving here, my husband and I canoed down part of the Reedy, not too far from our home. We haven't been able to do that for years, the water has been so low. Maybe, just maybe, a canoe will be seen again soon...

Small creeks and springs have been drying up all over the South. There is a pond on our way to Simpsonville which used to be quite large and beautiful. For the past five years the water level has continued to drop. The farmer finally had to put a fence around the pond because the bacteria level was so high and the water level so low, he was losing cattle. Now, the water level is actually rising! What a blessing!

Many homeowners here in SC have had to drill new wells because the old ones dried up. Folks on city water may think, "Okay, what's the big deal about drilling a new well?" I know one family that paid over $6,000 to finally reach water; then discovered it was unsuitable for drinking because the parts per million of a certain metal were too high. Drilling a new well is an expensive gamble, but one many families have no choice but to do. Having it rain and rain and rain will slowly bring up the underground water levels and probably spare hundreds from having to re-drill this summer.

I am praising the Lord for the rain!!! May He let it continue to rain and bring up our lake levels. May He bless us with good crops this year. Praise the Lord and pass the rain barrels!!!

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