Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Attend a tea party rally near you, if you can!!! This report from AFA Action Alert:

Mainstream media say TEA Party Day rallies in over 2,014 cities not worthy of coverage!

Take the pledge not to vote for any politician who votes to raise taxes or increase spending.

April 15, 2009

Dear Curt,

The mainstream media have not covered today's TEA Party rallies because they are fearful that coverage would hurt President Obama and the liberals' chances of getting a $1 trillion tax increase passed.

Despite the fact that AFA-sponsored TEA Party Day rallies are being held in more than 2,014 cities, the mainstream media have ignored it. Why? Let a member of the media tell you.

Leslie Marshall, a nationally syndicated liberal radio host, said the mainstream media are not covering the rallies because they're not worthy of coverage.

How about that! Small rallies in 10 cities protesting the war get extensive coverage, but the biggest tax protest in the history of America is ignored! If you are against higher taxes and increased spending, apparently your views are not important! But you can bet your bottom dollar (before taxes get it) that the mainstream will do all they can to get Congress to pass President Obama's trillion dollar tax raise.

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