Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Catching My Breath

Well, this has certainly been a busy and exciting past few weeks.

We worked a LOT on decorating and sewing and making sure everything would be perfect for Susan's big day - and it was! It was one of the lovliest weddings I've ever been to. Everything ran quite smoothly and I even got to watch them open their gifts!! How about that?! One of my pet peaves is that nobody opens their gifts at weddings anymore. But they did, and I was glad to be able to see what they received.

One of the sweetest things was watching them kiss after Pastor pronounced them man and wife. Prior to that moment, they had never kissed. They never even held hands while they were dating, believing the Scriptures to be true when it says it is good for a man not to touch a woman (who is not his wife). I believe God will honor their respect for one another during their courtship.

This topic actually was brought up recently among several young people with whom we are acquainted and/or related. Elly and one of her male cousins could honestly say they had never kissed anyone yetm surprising some of the others in the room. But both of them believe it will be the most special thing to wait and give their very first kiss to the one they will be with their entire lives. They are both waiting on the Lord to show them who that will one day be. Would to God more young people would feel the same way! I pray each of them will continue to stay true to their convictions. So many of us made so many mistakes when we were young. Now we see the error and folly of doing things our way instead of the way the Scriptures teach. Yet, there are still young people who refuse to learn from the mistakes of their elders, and simply repeat history's mistakes. It is very sad. Perhaps that is why in Scripture Wisdom is said to be such a prize - so few actually seek it.

We've been printing away on books for Martha - her Homekeepers Yearbooks are very popular, but they really only sell between November and February, so this is a busy printing time for us. I've also been happy to obtain several new editing clients!

Elly got her driver's license and has been driving herself everywhere! She works twice a week at GBS Lumber, so it's a blessing for her to be able to drive herself to and from work. CJ has his learner's permit and is looking forward to April - in SC there is a 6-month wait between permit and license.

Well, I've got to get supper on the table - it's Wednesday and prayer meeting will be in 45 mintues. There are number of things to be very thankful for tonight! My good friend, Gena, was robbed at her place of employment in broad daylight! They took her purse and the company's deposit. Praise the Lord she was not harmed!!!! Also, today, another friend from church, Marc, was driving on the highway and a semi changed lanes too quickly, causing a chain reaction in the drivers behind him. Marc didn't hit anyone else, but he did run into a cement wall in trying to avoid a collision. His car was totalled, but he is fine!! Praise the Lord again for His protection!!!

Til the next time....

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