Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Miscellaneous Events.....Plus an Announcement!

That's where I'm at - I'm miscellaneous today! Hahahaha

Hmm ... I have a lot of editing I need to get caught up on. Must get to that.

Helping Phoebe finish up a math book - yeah!!! 6 weeks early! That's my Phoebe!

Watching Jo and CJ clean up the dog yard. Nothing like shoveling dog manure....

Keeping track of Gideon, my almost-two-year-old son, and Austin, my almost three-year-old grandson. He's here for a visit - we sure enjoy having him come over!!! They are so adorable together. Austin has a 5-month-old sister and he's expecting a new sibling this coming September!!! Wahoo!!! That's the announcement, in case you didn't guess!!

We attended the wedding of Marywhite Smith and Walter Griffith on Saturday. It was quite beautiful. The bride entered from an upstairs hallway off an addition to the historic church, so you could watch her walk the hall then down the stairs and up the aisle. It was a beautiful wedding, attended by at least 400 people, most of whom I had never met. But I was very glad we were able to attend.

Elly is happy these days....she's keeping busy working two days at GBS, helping me keep the house clean, .............. visiting and texting................ ;-)

Isaiah is enjoying the microscope we FINALLY received for his birthday. We bid on a billion before we finally won one. (Okay. I tend to exaggerate. But it seemed like a billion!)

Well, just wanted to pop on a post ...

Oh - I have a sale coming up on TOS on the 23rd - it's a buy one get one. Anyone who buys a Bible Journal receives a free Geography ebook!!! I'm so excited - the Bible Journals are Elly's, so I hope she sells a whole bunch!!!!

Okay - that's all for today!

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