Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's Summer Down South

Well, we've finally stopped having the cool, springtime days and we are into a full-fledged summer, complete with heat! Near 100 temps for the past couple days. There are positives and negatives to being in yet another drought - since it is so dry, the humidity is not high, making the heat considerably more bearable. At least for me - I have not found it objectionable yet.

Susan and her beau have set a date already! They certainly didn't waste any time, did they? We are looking forward to a December wedding!

Elly's puppies are growing great - they've moved outside! YEAH! (After a couple weeks of being in the house, it doesn't matter how many baths they get and how many times we disinfect the whelping box, the floor, everything....dog smell is dog smell. I'm thankful they are old enough to be outside now! We posted an ad on the AKC site stating they will be for sale starting June 27 and we've already had a phone call about them. I hope they sell fast!

Curt is doing some side jobs for a friend at church, so he is staying busy. He also has a final paper due this week for one of his classes.

We had a PartyLite party last night - that was fun! I think they have the most beautiful candle holders....it was a LOT of fun to have some of our friends show up - it's nice to just sit and visit!

Elly is planning a spa party this Saturday - complete with foot bath and sea salts and body butters to try out - my house ought to smell WONDERFUL by about 6:00 in the evening!!!

My teens are all looking forward to camp next week. They love going to Harvest Time Bible Camp near Shelby, NC. We will be enjoying a visit with Curt's mom while they are at camp. Think it strange they are going to camp instead of visiting with Gram? Don't fret - they'll be seeing her for 4 weeks this summer, Lord willing!

We are wishing Alyssa a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today - she turned 15! Can you beleive it? Time really flies by around here.

Uh - oh - Isaiah just presented me with a baby in desperate need of a diaper change! Guess that's all for today!!!!

1 comment:

The Kamps said...

wow! susan set a date already? that was fast! LOL good for her. I hope everything works out. -Sara K